
Our ministry to middle school and high school students goes by the name of “Imprint Student Ministries, and our purpose is to love God, serve others, make disciples, and go global.

Our team of adult leaders seeks to make an "imprint" on the lives of students with the gospel of Christ through a well-balanced schedule of programs and ministries that disciple them towards a growing vibrant relationship with Christ. As we partner with parents, we seek to equip and empower students to integrate their walk with Christ into their daily lives, and to help them in turn to be a Christ-like influence on those around them.


It's a new month and time for our annual  Week of Wonderful (and Wild) Bible Study And Recreation. Make your plans to join us now!
We are attending Passion Camp
this Summer! 

Registration opens May 5.
Limited spots available.

$400 early bird pricing thru May 19
$450 after May 19
Get more information on our regular ministries here:

Imprint Discipleship Groups

Sunday evenings | 5:00 - 7:30pm | Christian Life Center (CLC)

Sunday evening youth D-groups are a time for discipleship for students who desire to grow deeper. It is our desire to make fully devoted followers of Christ, and we do this through engaging small groups that are age-graded and gender-separate for appropriate discussions and topics.  We also encompass a meal and some hang-out time for fellowship and community.  

Click here to fill our our annual Release Waiver and Emergency Contact Form.

Midweek Imprint Worship

Wednesday evenings | 6:30 - 8:00pm | Christian Life Center (CLC)

Imprint Midweek is like the  "Front Door" of our ministry. It is a time for students to connect with one another, to welcome others into community, and to deepen in worship with Christ.
Students can arrive as early at 5:30 p.m. for snack safe, open gym, and to hang out. They may stay as late as 8:30 p.m.

At 6:30 p.m., Imprint begins and encompasses elements such a worship with our student praise band, group games, and a relevant, biblical message geared to teenagers.

Periodically, we will have  Themed Nights, Target Nights, Game Nights, Parent Nights, Testimony Nights and Mission Nights. Some semesters we host "Tribes" or i2i groups that accompany the message. These are small groups led by our high school seniors and juniors that focus on mentoring and accountability.

Impact missions are weekly, monthly, and yearly mission opportunities that allow students to engage, serve, and make an impact on the world around them by serving as missionaries on their school campuses, their practice fields, clubs, jobs, and homes. They also have opportunities to go and serve in locations around the community, state, and world. Most recently, our students have served in Myrtle Beach, Peru, and Romania. 
S.A.L.T. is our Servant Action Leadership Team. Each May, students apply to serve for the upcoming year. The SALT team assists the youth pastor in making vital decisions regarding the direction of the student ministry and help serve throughout the year. These teams fuse the spiritual passions of students with other students to create teams that minister together through worship, drama, media, greeting, planning, and more.

Contact Us

If you would like more information on Imprint Student ministry, we'd love to hear from you. Send us a message using the form below.